

Fifteen years ago we profiled Donald Trump’s then-girlfriend Melania Knauss. Now his wife, Melania featured in this naked profile shoot on his customised Boeing 727 wearing handcuffs, wielding diamonds and holding a chrome pistol (it absolutely was the lads mag era all things considered). It makes for most interesting reading today, considering Donald Trump’s success in the US election… Read more about:   melania knauss gq magazine We were bombarded by requests to shoot Melania,” GQ editor Dylan Jones recalled, when asked by The Hollywood Reporter about our January 2000 nude shoot with Melania Trump, if we had dug from the archives and published the wonderful pictures online in March 2016. “And so, considering that she was obviously so keen to get featured in GQ, we invented a rather kitsch and camp story for my child to feature in.” Donald Trump also requested that photographs be mailed to his office. “We framed the duvet and a variety of prints and sent them the moment we could.”